• The U.S. Congress enacted the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to assure that all children with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education designed to meet their unique needs in the least restrictive environment. In accordance with this law, Rose Tree Media School District provides, without cost to parents, screenings and evaluations, appropriate programs and services to all students thought to be exceptional and in need of specially designed instruction.

    Types of Services Available:

    Once a student has been identified as eligible for special education and related services, an IEP team of people knowledgeable about the student, including you, will decide what kinds of programs and services are appropriate based on your child’s unique learning needs. Eligible students are entitled to specially designed instruction that is: (1) conducted in the classroom, in the home, in community settings, in hospitals, in institutions, and in other settings, and (2) provided in an instructional or skill area. Related services are transportation and development, corrective, and other supportive services to assist the student to benefit from special education.

    If you believe your child may be eligible:

    Contact your child’s school counselor to discuss your concerns. The guidance counselor will contact the necessary service provider to discuss your concerns. You may ask to speak to the school psychologist at any time or write a letter to Dr. Frances K. Garner, Director of Student Services, stating your reason for concern. Discussion may follow to assist us in understanding your request and child’s needs. If after discussion, you believe your child may have a disability and would like to pursue the evaluation process, we will issue a "Permission to Evaluate." This form will allow us to begin the evaluation process which may consist of, yet not limited to: review of records, intelligence testing, achievement test, parent input and teacher input.

    Services are provided for the full range of exceptionalities listed below and may be provided at various locations with the home school being given first consideration. Programs may include the services of other professionals beyond the classroom teacher.

    The purpose of these procedures is to identify children with disabilities in order to provide them with a free appropriate public education. These procedures include: parent referrals, teacher referrals, group and individual screenings by grade level.

    Parents who have concerns about the development of their three to five year old child can call the Delaware County Intermediate Unit Early Intervention Office at (610) 938-9000 to request a screening or an evaluation.

    The Process:

    Your child will be evaluated and you will receive an Evaluation Report (ER) within sixty (60) school days of our receipt of the signed Permission to Evaluate. After this, you will be invited to attend a meeting to determine if your child is eligible for special education services and, if so, to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP meeting must be scheduled within 30 calendar days of dissemination of the ER.

    If your child is identified as exceptional:

    The Rose Tree Media School District provides the programming and services required for each exceptional child. The programs and services will be developed based on each child’s exceptionality and the need for special education and related services. The terms and procedures we use to determine if any particular child has such a need is defined by IDEA and state regulations. These programs and services are made available to children who meet the qualifications for one of the following Exceptionality Categories under the IDEA:

    1. Autism (Pervasive Development  Disorder)

    2. Deaf-Blindness

    3. Deafness

    4. Emotional Disturbance

    5. Hearing Impairment

    6. Intellectual Disability

    7. Multiple Disabilities

    8. Orthopedic Impairment

     9. Other Health Impairments

    10. Specific Learning Disability

    11. Speech or Language Impairment

    12. Traumatic Brain Injury

    13. Visual Impairment including Blindness

    For additional questions about the evaluation process, please contact the special education supervisor or school psychologist assigned to your building.

    Dr. Megan Pashley (Indian Lane  and Glenwood) mpashley@rtmsd.org
    Amy Matijasich (Rose Tree and Media) amatijasich@rtmsd.org
    Dr. Ken Curran (Springton) kcurran@rtmsd.org
    Josh Mattson (Penncrest) jmattson@rtmsd.org


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