Media PTG

  • Supporting Children, Supporting Teachers, Supporting Education

    Welcome to Media’s Parent Teacher Group, or “PTG”. We are a group of parents, teachers and staff who work together to help make Media Elementary a very special place to go to school. Together we:

    • Meet to work through plans, issues, and challenges for the school;
    • Raise money to support educational needs such as assemblies, field trips, playground equipment, technology and classroom needs;
    • Promote a sense of community for our students and their families through special events such as the Welcome Party, Harvest Fair, Goodies Grown-ups & Kids, and more.

    We hope you’ll come join the fun at some of these events, or even get involved as a volunteer. It’s a great way to participate in your child’s education and get to know a really nice group of people.

PTG Mission & Bylaws

  • Our Mission

    • To foster social, cultural, and educational enrichment; 
    • To involve family, school, and community in the educational experience; 
    • To organize fundraisers to support educational enrichment, teacher appreciation, and a sense of community


    To view the current by-laws, click here.
    The Parent Teacher Group is governed by a set of by-laws that outline its objectives, policies, leadership, and financial obligations.  

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