• ACCESS Testing Annual Proficiency Testing

    Each year every active English Learner is required to take a state test to check for progress in English language skills. The ACCESS for ELDs is now given in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    What is the test like?

    • This test is a very challenging test that assesses English proficiency in academic language in the domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
    • Students are required to be able to understand and produce academic English in the content areas of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science.
    • It is a standards-based test, addressing the English Language Proficiency Standards which were adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

    When will the test be given?

    • Late January- early March is the window for administration of the ACCESS.
    • Students generally take the test during scheduled ELD classes. However, that is not always possible. In some cases, students will be pulled from other classes in order to complete the test within the testing
      window required by the state.

    When will the results be known?

    • Results are expected by June of each school year.
    • The results will be used to plan appropriate instruction for the English Learner for the following school year.
    • Parents of English Learners will receive a score report which explains their child's performance in English.

    How will the results of this test be used?

    • The results will be used to help ELD teachers make educational and placement decisions about students.
    • It is one of several assessments which will be used as "Exit Criteria" for English Learners.

    If you have further questions, please contact your child's ELD teacher.