• Funding Student Meal Accounts: 

    • Student meal accounts can be funded through multiple methods; cash or check at the time of purchase or through MySchoolBucks.
    • Checks should be made payable to RTMSD Food Service Department. 
    • Parents/ guardians may also use a debit or credit card to make payments https://www.myschoolbucks.com as well as set up low balance notifications and auto payments to fund the students' account. 
    • Parents/ guardians are encouraged to set up an account at www.myschoolbucks.com to monitor school lunch account activity. Please see our food service website https://www.rtmsd.org/Page/184 for full information on MySchoolBucks.

    Student Meal Charges: 

    • Our district recognizes that students may forget to bring money to school for meals and to assist families with helping students not go hungry, students will be allowed to charge the cost of a meal on their student lunch account to be paid back later. Students must take the proper components of the meal at the time of the meal charge. 
    • Students who do not have money in their account will be allowed to charge for full meals, but are not permitted to charge extra meals, snacks or a la carte items. 
    • Parents can request in writing that their child not be allowed to charge school meals to their account by writing to our Food Service Department. Please contact Jenni Lee, Food Service Supervisor, jlee@rtmsd.org for further assistance. 

    Free or Reduced Meals: 

    • Parents/ guardians needing assistance in paying for school meals are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meals. 
    • Information on Free or Reduced meals is available on our Food Service website, https://www.rtmsd.org/Page/187 and parents/ guardians can apply online by visiting https://www.schoolcafe.com
    • Parents/ guardians may apply for free or reduced meals at any time during the school year

    Adult Meal Charges: 

    • Adults may put funds in their account. Adults may not charge on their account if they have no funds available (including employees, volunteers and visitors). 

    Student Debt Collection: 

    • All unpaid student lunch debt must be paid in full by the end of the school year. 
    • Schools will send out balance notifications weekly to parents/ guardians via email or written letter to all households notifying them of their negative account balance.
    • Schools will attempt to collect any unpaid lunch debt weekly via email or written letter addressed to the parent/ guardian. 
    • No negative balance information will be communicated with students at schools.
    • Students may request an update on their current balance from the cashier at the time of purchase. 
    • Students will not be publicly identified or stigmatized for owing a school lunch account balance or for meal eligibility status. 
    • Parents/ guardians of graduating students with a positive balance may elect to donate the unused funds to students with debt. Parents/ guardians can also elect to request a refund of the remaining balance. Parents/ guardians must provide written documentation if they choose to donate their positive balance to another student with meal debt.