• What is the difference between the School Board and Superintendent / Administration?
    The primary job of the Board of Education, or “School Board,” is to establish policies and provide oversight for the District. The Superintendent and Administration are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the District and the execution of Board Policies. The School Board does not run the District rather, it ensures the District is well-run.

    What are the responsibilities of the Superintendent?
    The Superintendent is the District's Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for implementing educational programs per District Policies. The Superintendent advises the Board on matters of policy and management of the District.

    What happens during an Executive Session of the Board?
    Executive sessions are typically held before Legislative Meetings or Work Sessions as the need arises. The Pennsylvania Sunshine Act limits what can be discussed in Executive Session. Please see What Happens in Executive Session for more information.

    When does the Board discuss the school budget?
    The Board begins discussion on the school budget in January. At that time, as required by law, notice will be given to the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) if there is an expected exception to the Act 1 Index. At a series of Work Sessions starting in February, the Board will review the proposed budget and receive comments from the public. The Board votes on the final version of the budget at either the May or June Legislative Meeting. (link to Budget page)

    What is the Act 1 Index?
    The Act 1 Index determines the maximum tax increase that the school district can levy annually. The PDE provides the following information and history:  https://www.education.pa.gov/Policy-Funding/PropertyTax/Pages/Act1.aspx

    Do Pennsylvania School Directors receive a salary?
    Unlike most other elected officials, school directors receive no compensation for their work even though the position requires many hours per month.

    Do School Boards evaluate individual teachers?
    No. The only evaluations conducted by the Board regard the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent. All other employee evaluations in the district are the responsibility of the Administration.

    How does the School Board hold the Superintendent accountable?
    School boards are required by law to annually evaluate the Superintendent. The evaluation includes the Objective Performance Standards mutually agreed upon by the Board and the Superintendent. These goals ensure that the District's direction aligns with its mission and strategic plan. The Board uses the Evaluation to provide feedback on how well the Superintendent is meeting the expectations of the Board.

    I have a problem with my school. Should I contact the Board?
    We recommend working up the chain of command. For instance, if a parent has a concern involving a teacher, the parent should first address it with the teacher. If the issue is not resolved, the parent should contact the principal or supervisor next. If this has not produced a suitable result, the Superintendent may be contacted. The School Board should be the last resort. Most questions and concerns are usually answered by contacting the appropriate person within the District (i.e., principal, school board secretary, or Superintendent).